Back when I first started experimenting with fabric art, every step of my process was done by hand. I drew out my templates on bristol board, traced each individual section onto the paper-backed fusible web using a lightbox and permanent markers, and cut …
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On Friday, September 01, 2017, I attended the opening reception for the 100% Pure Florida juried art show at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery in Melbourne, Florida.
100% Pure Florida is a juried art show open to any and all Florida-resident artists. Fifty-seven a…
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Over the years, I have developed my own method of turning yards of cotton fabric into highly detailed works of fine art. My technique gives me the rare ability to create multiple versions of each design that are entirely unique images unto themselves. Tha…
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Over the course of the year I've developed my own method for drawing portraits. Interestingly, I didn't even realize I was doing it until I started posting time lapse videos of my drawings to Instagram and suddenly recognized the same process in each of t…
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Figure and portrait drawing, particularly from life, is not something I've done since college. However, I remember thoroughly enjoying my drawing classes back in school and decided to get into the habit once again at the beginning of the year. I was admit…
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